Friday, March 27, 2015

3/26/15 - CCLQ @ Ruth B.'s

This week's CCLQ meeting was at Ruth B.'s house.  We had 9 members present and everyone was busy working on something!

ONE person was knitting:

Ruth, working on her scarf.

ONE person was cutting:

Joanna, posing for a picture...

And showing the pattern that she's cutting out.

ONE person was working on an applique project:

Ella is appliqueing another flower stem.

SIX people were hand sewing binding down on a quilt:

Ruth S., binding her Cottage Quilt

Joy, binding her Crumb quilt. (Only HALF a side and ONE corner separate her from a completed quilt!)

Gayle, looking for the right thread to sew down her binding.

Candy, threading up to get started...

And binding away!

Dee Dee binding her BQ3 quilt for her friend Maxine.

A number of people had quilts to share:

Candy's Donation Quilt from an unknown maker.

Candy's Old Fashioned Donation "Cheater" Quilt. Does it need more quilting? No, leave it.

Joy's Mystic Waters quilt top (with the backing hanging down at the bottom.) Blocks by Diane H., filler blocks  and setting arrangement by Joy.

Ella is working down her stash. This is a quilt for Jubilee House in Fayetteville, NC. (They are in DESPERATE need MONETARY DONATIONS, too!!!)

Dee Dee's Flamingo BQ3 quilt for her friend Maxine who lives at the beach.

 Gayle's Blue and White Slice and Dice Uneven 9 - Patch quilt.

Until next time...
Be Happy!!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

3/21/15 - {National/Worldwide Quilting Day} - NT @ Ruth B.'s

There were 12 members present at Saturday's meeting.  Thank you to Ruth B. for hosting and thanks to everyone who brought food or drinks to share!

We all missed those who weren't with us.  And we sent a "shout out" to Lisa's MIL...

Happy Birthday, Jan!!!


3/31 - NT Nights 6:30 PM @ Hillsborough Library

4/11 - Mary Jo's Trip (Meet @ Home Depot 8:15 AM) Note: NEED DRIVERS!!!
4/28 - DOQ Donation Quilt Workshop
4/28 - NT Nights 6:30 PM @ Hillsborough Library

5/16 - Candy 10 AM  for meeting at further DOQ program planning (Britt for back-up)
5/18 - CCLQ and NT will be THE PROGRAM @ DOQ Guild
5/26 - NT Nights 6:30 PM @ Hillsborough Library


1. Mary Jo's Trip:  (4/11/15 Annual Field Trip)

Approx. 12 members are going, but we still need DRIVERS!!! (Jean, Cheryl K., Ella???)
Thread store, lunch, Mary Jo's and then possibly the quilt shop in Concord on the way home.

2. DOQ Program:  (5/18/15 DOQ Meeting)

Deborah is on the board and CCLQ agreed to do the program, but since they are an off-shoot of our group, they wanted us to participate.  Joy will relay the history of the group.  Those who participated in ANY of our group projects will share those.  (Email will follow with a list of group projects.)

We will break for any questions.

We will then show/tell ONE or TWO individual project each. (Choose something that you are particularly proud of or that you used an interesting technique to make the item.)  Bring an extra in case we run out of things to show BEFORE we run out of program time!!  (Another idea would be to bring your first quilt and your most recent quilt.)


Linda started us off with her "All Gayle's Fault" Plus quilt from Missouri Star Quilt Co.  She's making the floral charm pack quilt for her sister.

Linda shared she is using some of her Dye Frenzy fabrics for another tutorial from the Missouri Star Quilt Co., a flower snowball quilt. She tried to quilt it herself, but ran into trouble with the Free Motion Quilting. It's going to be a whimsical quilt using ric rac and buttons. We're looking forward to seeing it!

She had another TELL - she's getting ready to start her 2015 Class Quilt!  The theme will be flags!  Drawn by the kids and for all different countries.  She will be using stars for the borders (per the suggestion of one of her students.)

Margaret asked Linda to help her show her quilt... and brings out a mini quilt!!  LOL
She used the backing fabric as her quilting stencil.  It's a doll quilt for this year's Quilt Symposium made with Michael Miller "trash" fabrics from a friend and edged with some 30 year old eyelet.  So cute!

She also showed us the very cheerful Rail Fence quilt that she is making for her 2 year old grand niece.  Margaret is finishing it with a striped binding.

Sorry for the sun spot! We enjoyed the sunny day even if the photos suffered.

Jean had a TELL (via text from Florida) She was at an American Sewing Guild meeting with her SIL.  We missed her but were happy to hear she was having some quilty fun.

Britt, too, had a TELL - She got an email from her sister in New Zealand... the kids are LOVING the capes that Auntie Britt sent them!!  They are busy being Super Hero Pirates.  "Super" LaLa's power is that she can fly and she's been asking her parents for problems that she can solve by flying.  TOO CUTE!!

SHOW - her Strippy Donation Quilt.  She was a bit frustrated with her quilting choices but happy with the fun fabrics. She also shared the Presto Change-o quilt pattern from Abigail Dolinger that gives you an "on point" quilt without having to do setting squares.

Cheryl B. had nothing to show because her DIL came for Cheryl's birthday...Happy Birthday!!!

Carol had THREE items to share.  The first was a different Vanishing 4-Patch shown at DOQ on Monday night.  She used some 4-Patch blocks found given by a friend from her mother's stash of stuff.

Next came a Log Cabin quilt made by her grandmother, rearranged by Carol to show off the diamond pattern.  It's a lovely Rainbow Log Cabin that Carol plans to give her Grandmother who will be 99 on May 1st.  (To which Candy quipped, "At 99, don't buy in green bananas!")

Then Carol credited her teacher Dee Dee and Joy for her inspiration and then she showed her quilt top.  (Joy had hers and the quilts were shown side by side over Ruth's balcony.)

Carol's on the left and Joy's on the right. So cool!

Candy had a TELL.  She is working on a new couching project from a book that Dee Dee found for her.  (Candy would have shared more, but Dee shushed her, encouraging her to keep it a surprise. We hope to see it at a meeting soon!)

Candy also mentioned she used to take (quilt) classes all the time, but no feels the need to do so.  She cites all of the inspiration within our group for this phenomenon.  :)

Jill had THREE things to show! First off she shared her Animal Applique (completed with 3D elephant ears!) quilt that she just finished.  Adorable!!

Next were two Jelly Roll type quilts that she cut from her stash.  These were made in quick succession as she cut too many strips.  One had appliqued heart flowers and the second one guilted her into appliqueing yo-yo flowers on it.

Ruth S. had TWO items for us to see.  The first was a Donation Quilt made from Lisa's mom's fabric stash.  She used different width strips. It's terrific!

Even the backing fabric was from Lisa's mom's stash

The second quilt was a mystery quilt...and she hated the original layout.  (She even brought the pattern to give away and Margaret will probably have it whipped up in no time!!)  Ruth resized the blocks and put them together in a more traditional manner.  Now she likes it and will keep it for her cottage.  Way to get creative and make it work!

Gayle brought a stack of Donation Quilts!  (She's been making one a week and then quilting them up the following week.)

1.  She attended the last DOQ Donation Quilt Workshop to see how to make Aby Dolinger's Slice and Dice Uneven 9-Patch using strip sets to create a checkerboard pattern from which the blocks are cut. So clever and easy!

2.  Spring Leftovers from her brother and SIL's wedding quilt that will be donated as a wheelchair quilt.

3.  She fell in love with the yellow, blue, and green fabric in this quilt on a trip to JoAnn Fabrics.

4.  Another Slice and Dice quilt, but arranged the fabrics differently.

Here's a side by side picture of the two quilts made with the same pattern...but looking so different!

Joy is ONE side and TWO corners away from a completed Crumb quilt!!!  Go Joy go!

Ruth B.  had a TELL - The Ollie catalog arrived, if anyone is interested in taking a class.

And a SHOW - her Lattice quilt (reported to be a top) is actually in rows that were laid out at CCLQ. It's looking GREAT!!

There's a view of all the blocks in the previous post

Joy took a trip upstairs so that you could see "real" pictures of her reorganized studio space:

Doesn't her studio (and fabric closet) look FABULOUS?!?!?!?!  Yes.  Yes, it does!!!!

Dee Dee had TWO things to share.  BQ3 quilt for her friend, Maxine, who lives at the beach.  Cheryl K. helped her with the pattern and Britt brought the fabric for her last year at Mary Jo's.  You've got to love technology - Ruth S. and Britt recalled the fun they had tracking down fabric options and texting photos to DeeDee during their Mary Jo's trip.

She also talked about making a jelly plate (for printing) and brought examples made using the technique. She painted, used stencils, and thread painted the piece.  Wonderful!


Dee Dee (13th or 20th) for Annual Dye Frenzy
6/30 - NT Nights 6:30 PM @ Hillsborough Library

Cheryl B. (11th or 18th) for Sew Saturday (?)
7/28 - Nights 6:30 PM @ Hillsborough Library

Jean (8th or 15th)
8/25 - NT Nights 6:30 PM @ Hillsborough Library

Thursday, March 19, 2015

3/19/15 - CCLQ @ Joanna's {Daffodil Farm}

Alas, the blog editor was absent AGAIN!!!  What can she do but go when her boss calls her in to work??  I'll tell you what... nothing.  She went.  With a smile on her face.  Knowing that this day will pay for MORE quilting supplies.  :o))


She just wants to go QUILTING with her friends!!!  :o((

Thanks to Deborah for sending photos from today's meeting.  Here's what they were doing while the blog editor was at work...

Ruth S. is making a new quilt for her "cottage":

Ruth B. finished the top for her Lattice donation quilt and asked advice on borders:

Joanna finished the top of her BQ4 quilt:

Ella has added another stem to her floral applique:

Candy has been working on some experimental blocks:

Ella also made a quilt from the Missouri Star Quilt Company:

Gayle shared her latest Donation Quilt:

Dee Dee has a "NEW" vintage quilt that was given to her by Josette.  Someone in her building gave it to her looking for a good home.  Dee Dee plans to back it with an old baby sheet and will use a soft batting.  She's certain that this quilt will become her favorite reading "blankie":

And here's what Joy was doing while at work:

Only ONE side and TWO corners stand between Joy and a completed quilt!!!

Without numbered emails, let's hope that all of the Show and Tell was captured here...
If not, speak up.

Until next time...
Enjoy your friends!!!