Getting back into the groove with a Sit-N-Sew day with the Nimble Thimbles. We had a wonderful time getting together for the day. So much so that we didn't get pictures of every ones work but there was some work going on. Along with some much needed socializing.
Ruth got reacquainted with her travel sewing machine and now
likes it since she completed the first block of a new small lap quilt.

Gayle got some rows together of her painted fabric pieces. This will be a stunning table cloth that shows off her creativity two fold.
Dee Dee finished binding the donation charm stars.
Kirsten had some great show and tells. An equestrian table runner and a baby gift with some
spectacular rose motif quilting.
She also showed us the camo pecking order top that her son will love.
A big finish for Kirsten was to get the borders on her Florida State quilt. The pattern is a Bonnie Hunter. So great she has it together with just the corners needing a half square of color.
Candy and Maggie worked on two different donation kits that just happen to have the same space fabric as the center squares of the blocks.
Linda also had a big finish in getting the binding completed on her Virginia "V" quilt.
All in all we had a good time at G's Quilt & Craft Retreat workshop day. Sorry some of the members were under the weather or had other plans and couldn't attend.