Saturday, March 22, 2025

3-20-25: CCLQ at Lynda’s

 Welcome to the weekly meeting of the Cherry Creek Lane Quilters.  This week the group met at Lynda’s.  Enjoy news about recent trips to quilt shows, inspiring quilts, art work and fabric. A special bonus this week are some photos of  Ruth B working on her Round Robin project.  DeeDee and Deborah visited Ruth last Tuesday and were impressed with her progress. 

Candy just returned from a beach trip with her grandkids. She continues to work on the Josephine’s Knot quilt and will show it next week. 

Deborah brought an antique apple core quilt top hand pieced by her grandmother. 

The group provided lots of suggestions for finishing the quilting including tying it or using a large loft batting to help with the puckers along the curved piecing. 

Ruth s competed the binding on this donation quilt. 

Ruth found some paw print fabric for the border and backing for this adorable baby quilt for her nephew’s baby. 

Ruth purchased this nifty card holder at the Capital Quilt Show in Raleigh.

DeeDee shared this sweet baby quilt in progress with the borders and corner blocks. 

DeeDee used this pattern. 

Yikes…DeeDee shared this photo of what can happen if you don’t close your rotary cutter and it falls to the floor. 

DeeDee created this fiber art piece on a left over color catcher.  

DeeDee finished this exquisite art quilt piece based upon the theme, Totem. 

Maggie completed this fun Winnie the Pooh themed baby quilt. 

Backing fabric also features Pooh fabric. 

Here’s another sweet Winnie the Pooh donation quilt.  

Maggie has this Bear Paw pattern and is looking for the special set of rulers. 

Maggie also started this set of blocks for a donation quilt. 

Upcoming quilt shows

Maggie shared some books and patterns as well. 

Linda reported that she has ordered fabric for the baby quilt project. 

Britt reported she has started a project with the group challenge fabric. She’s also quilting a quilt on the long arm for Cheryl.

Britt has been chosen to be a “Featured Artist” in an online Art journaling  group. Here’s a photo of the pages of one of Britt’s books.  

Carol was happy to report that she got her sewing machine back on Monday and she has been busy busy sewing!  She quilted this fun donation quilt featuring chickens in the center block. 

Quilt back view

Carol also made this colorful donation quilt top. 

Carol found this wonderful fabric on Spoonflower and plans to make a quilt for her daughter in law’s parents. 

Lynda finished this beautiful donation quilt using Kaffe Fassett fabrics. 

Back view

Lynda added borders for the sweet llama donation quilt. 

Lynda shared this Easy Quilts magazine. 

Ruth had a regular ironing board which we lowered so she could press the Round Robin quilt. 

DeeDee added some stickers to Ruth’s Pfaff sewing machine to make it easier to locate the buttons.  

Ruth already had a stick on strip for helping to align the fabric for the quarter inch seam. We added painter’s tape for contrast.

Ruth is sewing the border on her Round Robin Quilt!    

Until next time, happy quilting!

Monday, March 17, 2025

3/13/2025 CCLQ @ Passmore Hosted by DeeDee


Welcome to the weekly meeting of the Cherry Creek Lane Quilters.  This week DeeDee hosted at the Passmore Center.

Deborah started us off with a grand smile.  And passed along a pattern from Candy to Ella.  Can you all guess why Candy just had to get the pattern for Ella?

Ella has started to make a couple of wall hangings for her Grandsons.  They represent each one's name using Navy Semephore flags.  In the US Navy, signaling with flags, which involves using specific flag arrangements and movements to convey messages, is commonly known as "Semaphore".   She is getting the alphabet from a book Quilts for Men.




Carol received a bag of scraps but sadly with her machine in the shop she is doing some organization at home and getting out at the first Baseball game with her grandson.

Linda said she followed thru on the last week's goal ... oh wait we didn't talk next week goals so she went along with the big smile show.

Ruth showed her progress on the RR blocks from last year.  Next up is the border stripe.   Having the rows together is warming up her feelings about the blocks and the rest of us think it's going to be beautiful when done.

Maggie had a number of little donation quilts ready and got together the brown half squares in a new (to her) layout design.

Thanks to Lynda's charms as the outer border this b&w animal fabric is now a completed quilt.  The Tuesday Group donation fabric that was put on the back is just perfect for it.

Cheryl has been busy on her blocks from the Tula Pinks 100 block book now the question is what colors to sash them with. And what fabrics to make the alternating blocks with.

A friend has requested a Josephine's Knot quilt from Cheryl so now's the tough decision on which fabrics to use.  It will be a queen size quilt and some of the fabrics have been preselected by her friend.

DeeDee has another Lime Twist Donation quilt done.