Thursday, March 1, 2018

CCLQ at Gayle's 2/22

Gayle kindly stepped in to host our 2/22/18 CCLQ meeting on a bit of short notice - thanks so much!

The photographer arrived (late) to find almost everyone working away on some project.

Deborah, Joanna and Ruth S.

Deedee and Ella

Candy and Gayle

Ella showed 2 baskets she made

The second basket has some fancy couching...but live and learn - anything in the middle of your fabric layout will end up on the bottom of the basket! Still, it's very cool. Only time will tell if this basket gets a lid with couching.

Britt had a tell -  she got the thumbs up from her sister on a quilt Britt's making her AND was asked to also make a basket. They had fun picking out possible basket fabrics together.

Gayle showed a number of quilts quilt tops: 

 Her version of Jamestown Landing, sans string blocks. Beautifully done!
A small quilt made up of older fabrics
Her crystal quilt (I think?) -what beautiful fabrics!

Check out the borders this one will get! Wow!

Candy had a fun share - a flashback to her as a newly graduated nurse!

Ruth S. had a eye-catching quilt to share. I believe this one will be part of the DOQ effort to make and donate 40 quilts to veterans in hospice. So nice!
 She was making progress on her handwork too.

Joanna showed her latest quilts. This fish quilt she redrafted and enlarged, too cute!
And this fun quilt - also destined for donation to hospice.

Deborah shared a bit more about the baby quilt she's working on. You can see her sketch below. It's going to be cute!

We made it around the circle in time for lunch and wished those headed to the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Show on the weekend a happy and fun trip!

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