Welcome to the weekly meeting of the
Cherry Creek Lane Quilters.
This week's meeting at Candy's and was overseen by the resident celebrity...

Author Michael Bond, who passed away in 2017 at the age of 91, decided to write a book about an orphaned cub sent to England after spotting a toy bear alone on a shelf at Selfridge’s department store on Christmas Eve in 1956.
“It looked rather forlorn,” he told The Sunday Telegraph, so he purchased the bear as a stocking stuffer for his wife and began to write a story about it. Less than two weeks later, he had a completed novel which was sold for 75 pounds.
Bond revealed that while writing the first book, “A Bear Called Paddington,” he was partly inspired by vivid memories he had of seeing Jewish refugee children pass through the train station in his hometown of London, on their way to London from Nazi-dominated Europe ahead of World War II.
All present were grateful that Paddington didn't eat too many of the Potatoe Chip Cookies. We did that ourselves.
By the end of the meeting Ruth had completed the binding on her donation challenge quilt. Even the back is striking.
Linda didn't have a show but got us all laughing.
Lynda's Birthday Cake runner with llama's on the back is ready for shipment to the grand kids in New Zealand.
Ruth was busy the whole meeting working on the binding with only a foot left by the time the show-n-tell got to her.
Carol shared the quilt top she made from the Guild's Christmas blocks she was fortunate enough to win. After splitting her bounty with another winner she created this stunning sampler. It already has a home with a familiy member. Carol is busy working on 2 temerature quilts for the newest grandchildren. Each will represent the temperature for their first year respectively (NC and PA).
Deedee has been busy using up a troublesome charm pack to make a number of placemats for the Meals on Wheels program.
Ruth S. after seeing Deborahs "Brody" dog face contacted the creators to see if they could also do one for this cutie. She found some adorable baby fabric and is finishing the binding on a tuesday group donation. Seems that Hobby Lobby has 40% off fabric every other week.
Joy the unexpected member had lots to share with both her journally and miniture quilts. The inside out sky snowflake is a long time finish and we hope to see at the upcoming DOQG show. No matter how persuasive the group got Joy refused to give us any hints on this years Guild Challenge ... we just have to wait.
Deborah has her sister latest doggie portrait all quilted and ready for framing.
Candy had us gather in her sewing room to see a new project "Quartet" on the design wall. Candy also shared her Keepsake purchases for a new baby quilt that will have little bunnies on the back and a sticking gold and blue front called "Diamonds in the Deep".
That's it for this week. Pictures were uploaded in reverse order left them as is to keep you all on your toe. (lol)
Sew On!