Friday, October 14, 2016

10/13/16 - CCLQ @ Ella's

Welcome to this week's Cherry Creek Lane Quilters bee meeting!  The eight of us who met at Ella's today were greeted with fresh coffee and a Carrot-Cream Cheese Cake Roll.  YUM!!!  Thanks for having us, Ella.

After much conversation, largely about why Joy had her foot propped up on a kitchen stool...

... And this month's Birthday Bracelet award from Jean...

... (Random) Show and Tell got underway...

Joy attempted to break her foot after last week's meeting:

Ella had the quilt tops out on The Boys' beds:

Does THIS book belong to YOU??  If so, contact Ella:

A stack of blocks and extra fabrics graced the cutting table:

... But when Ella went to view this earlier today, it wouldn't load on the computer:

Jean brought an example of a completed Ft. Bragg photo quilt made in conjunction with Durham Orange Quilters Guild:

There was a spooky guest at our meeting:

Dee Dee smiles for the camera before pulling out her project:

Cheryl K. took over the design wall to ask about her Scrap Quilt:

Triple sashing or single sashing:

Jean wondered, "What if..." and proceeded to decrease the size of the yellow within the sashing:

Joy worked on her other "mitt" for her Stripy Sleeves of Warmth:

Dee Dee playing with a fabric collection:

See??? Scraps:

Cheryl K. stitch a bit more of her Bird Quilt's binding:

Ruth B. played with her Pinwheel Blocks:

Joanna showed off the prototype for our Law Enforcement Quilts:

We are hoping to get a copy of each branch's shield or a patch to add to the blue field section of the heart.  We voted to narrow the "Thin Blue Line" and decided on the dimensions:

Deborah worked on the binding for her Horse Quilt:

HERE is another look at Joanna with the Law Enforcement Quilt:

Ella is using a specially designed batik with her new quilt:

HERE is a closer look at the sunflowers:

Dee Dee struggled with a layout...

... And finally arrived at a pleasing design...

... Thanks to some help from Joy:

What are friend for if not to help in time of need:

Joanna busied herself with cutting some FABULOUS fall-like prints for a quilt made from strips:

THIS is the pattern she will use:

Dee Dee's lunch alarm went off and 7 of us carpooled to the Saxapahaw General Store where Joy proceeded to lose her new bracelet.  After a thorough search of Ella's house and driveway, the post office, Walmart, and the parking lot at the General Store...  Joy fessed up and apologized for losing the bracelet so quickly.

Not to worry!!

Jean promised to make a replacement, but...

The bracelet was found by a worker who was cleaning the tables at closing time.  The magnetic clasp had been attracted to the table's trim!!  Jean has promised to add a clasp with a lock and key, saying that SHE would keep the key.  LOL  (Thank you to Ella and Barry for going down to retrieve the lost bracelet!!)

Until next time...
Have a Quilt Happy day!!!

1 comment:

  1. Not a member (live in Northern Michigan) but Britt shared your blog site with me. Enjoyed reading about your projects ... you seem to be a very nice group of women/quilters. Thanks for sharing!! Linda Hoch
