Sunday, August 9, 2015

8/6/15 - CCLQ @ Dee Dee's

Welcome to the LAST month of summer!!  The Cherry Creek Lane Quilters returned to Dee Dee's house for our weekly meeting.  Excitement is building for those of us who are going on the CCLQ Retreat at The Bluff!  Some are plugging away at long-term projects, while others are whipping through new ones.  ALL are enjoying each other's company as the weeks tick by!

Here is what our 7 busy quilters in attendance accomplished this week...

Cheryl transformed an over-sized, under-used bag into this usable tote:

Here's the inside:

And, THIS is the quilt top that Cheryl carried in the tote:

More quilt binding for Gayle:

Here's Joanna, preparing to do some finishing work on her newest bag:

Jean is almost finished with the binding on her latest Kitchen Quilt:

Deborah took THIS block...

And ripped it apart for use as an edge block for her Lady of the Lake Quilt:

Cheryl worked on trimming up blue scraps:

Dee Dee showed off some art pieces that may end up in one of her quilts:

Joy stitched the binding on Giving Liberty, a lovey for a new neighbor baby:

The front was made of Liberty of London scraps gifted by Britt:

Dee Dee also had a quilt top to share from her Lizard Series:

Here is a closer look at those prints of hers purchased on a trip to Charleston, SC:

This is the Quilt of Valor that Gayle was working on this week:

Deborah worked on attaching a label to another antique quilt made by her grandmother:

Just LOOK at the hand quilting:

Dee Dee sewed down some more binding on her latest (donation?) quilt:

Here's the Donation Quilt that Joy made using the Lime Twist pattern.  The binding will be applied at this weekend's DOQ Donation Quilt Workshop:

Joanna announced the completion of this bag for a craft sale (and one member bought it right then and there!!!)

Cheryl has been cleaning out closets and brought several antique pillow cases.  (I believe Jean went home with these beauties!):

With new label firmly secured, Deborah's antique quilt was ready for show:

Dee Dee's timer went off and 4 of us made our way to downtown Hillsborough to eat at Saratoga Grill.  We all enjoyed the Broiled Seafood Sampler.  YUM!!!

Until next time...
Go sniff some fabric fumes!!!  :P

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