Monday, August 26, 2019

8/10/19 - NT @ SECU Family House

Welcome to the August meeting of the Nimble Thimbles Quilt Bee!!  This month, Candy arranged for us to meet for a Sew Day at  the SECU Family House (where several of our members regularly volunteer.)  Thank you, Candy!  The meeting was hosted by Helena, who provided the yummy Amante's Pizza for our lunch.  Thanks SEW much, Helena (and excellent recommendations, Kirsten!!)  I'd also like to thank the "Clean-Up Crew" who did a great job on cleaning up the kitchen.  Sorry that I can't name names, as I was in the zone and trying to get my binding sewn!

Upcoming Events...

Sept. 14 - NT @ Ruth B's
Oct. 12 - NT @ Ella's
Nov. 9 - NT @ Britt's
Dec. 7 - NT @ Carol's Christmas House

Snippets of action...

Jean prepared to work on a Strip-pieced Stocking project:

Helena assessed her Pecking Order blocks:

Carol began binding:

What a festive collection of reds, Jean:

A wool felt project captured Candy's attention:

Linda brought along her collection of orange and blue fabrics:

Joy assembled shades of light and bright blue to take a photo for her friends in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge:

These sets of squares represent a portion of the blocks Helena needs in order to complete her current quilt project:

Carol stitched binding and chatted with friends:

Jean planned the next Strippy Stocking:

Kirsten pinned rows of her Smith Mountain Morning quilt from a class with Bonnie Hunter:

Show and Tell...

Joy brought her completed Pecking Order quilt:

She hopes to add the binding on this T-quilt today:

This Donation kit quilt from DOQ also needs binding:

Here's the back:

Joy also had a TELL - The NEXT wedding quilt was offered and happily accepted by another niece.  The bride and groom will consider options and get back in touch.

Helena had a TELL - She took her Mother, the twins and her father's ashes to Croatia last month.  They spent time with family, but also went to the coast for the better part of a week.

She showed off this fabric bundle...

Helena brought this piece back from her trip:

Britt is hoping that she has enough background fabric to piece borders for her Pecking Order quilt:

She also had a TELL - She's been away for two weeks and is doing more painting than quilting when she makes it into the studio.

Kirsten had a TELL - Her son graduated from high school and moved in with a friend.  They are living with the friend's grandmother.  He has already completed the first requirement for getting his commercial driver's license and is enrolled in Duke Power's FREE Lineman program @ Durham Tech!!

She will be making quilts for her son and his friend.  G requested a "camo" quilt.  Kirsten is not sure how this will come together.

Candy shared the Small Faithwell Storage Bin that she made... YESTERDAY!!  It measures 8" x 7" and she used foam interfacing:

Candy reported that there is another size.  13" x 12" tall is the measurement for the Large:

Her TELL - She is offering Superior Bobbin Thread that she bought at the Expo, as she found she had some at home and it is so fine that it lasts FOREVER!!  Joanna took the dark one after CCLQ.

Helena was in charge of the camera today.  LOL!

Here is Joy, taking notes.  Our usual photographer, Britt, can be seen in the background putzing around the kitchen:

Margaret recently completed a UFO.  This Project Tote using Soft and Stable had been cut out and sitting in her sewing room for several years:

Her large scrap project 'Look, Kevin! I Can Do Scrappy' was done as a Mystery quilt:

Margaret also made this Donation Quilt to play with a Migrating Geese instruction card from Deb Tucker's Studio 180 Designs.  The material used in this quilt was donated by Pineapple Fabrics:

Smile, Margaret:

Carol shared the first of a set of placemats for T1's new apartment:

She also completed the top of TWO Halloween quilt for the grands:

Carol had a few blocks leftover to make a table runner for herself:

Linda had a TELL - 170 days remaining until retirement!!  :o))

Jean is working on String Pieced Stockings for US troops stationed in Afghanistan under the command of a former SECU guest:

She shared an idea that Margaret found on Pinterest to make a Holiday Stocking from a pair of jeans:

And now, back to random photos from the afternoon...

When dessert was served, Joy found her server (which had been missing for several MONTHS!!) tucked away in a drawer here at the SECU Family House:

Britt was busy piecing the last "star" points:

Linda cut her "V" templates:

Margaret and Carol.  The binding twins:

Linda concentrates on piecing her first "V" block:

The rows are going together on Kirsten's Seminole Mountain:

Linda is well on her way to a new quilt...

... Using this easy pattern:

Jean is making rectangular Wonky Star blocks for a new quilt:

Joy completed the binding on her Donation Quilt:

Next up, the Wedding Tee Quilt:

Someone (Margaret?) will be making a new Donation Quilt from this super simple pattern:

From one direction...

... Or the other...

Kirsten's newly completed quilt top (sans borders) is SEW stunning!

Joy continued working, as group members drifted home:

Finally!!  The Wedding Tee Quilt is...

...  done...

... Done...

... DONE:

And Helena got a LITTLE happy with the camera:

Thanks for filling in, Helena.

NOTE:  Candy suggested that we cut kits to give to the Guild's donation program.

Until next time...
Knock those projects out of the park!!!

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