Monday, July 6, 2020

6/30 - Zoom-y NT Nights

Welcome to the Late June meeting of the Nimble Thimbles Nights Quilt Bee!!  We decided to try something different this time.  Special thanks to Kirsten for suggesting (and arranging) the Zoom call!!  There were 10 (!) members present for our first truly virtual meeting.  A big NT welcome goes out to Marian, whose schedule complied, so that she was finally able to attend!

Show and Tell...

Joy's Scrap Center served as her video backdrop:

She shared the Picket Star block she made in PINK for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge during the month of June:

Joy also gave meeting attendees a look at her (reimagined) project for Christina Cameli's online class, The Pathway Pillow:

She also showed off the Abstract Landscape Mini that Britt gave her:

Carol told us that she has been channeling Joy's Basket making:

At this point we paused for a group shot, just so we didn't forget:

Margaret has followed Carol's lead and started making Postage Stamp blocks for a new quilt:

In true Margaret fashion, she has already made a big batch of them:

This is a portion of Britt's quilt from the same designer as the inspiration quilt made by Carol:

Marian shared a couple of the Christmas Wreaths that she has been making (for gifts) with the assistance of fusible grid to get the pieces to line up perfectly:

Karen W. screen-shared a photo of this old UFO that she is working on finishing as a Bunk Bed Quilt for Sleep in Heavenly Peace - a DOQ sponsored charity:

After a quick break for another group shot...

... Karen V. shared how happy she was to join us from her sewing room and looks forward to being with us more often once she retires at the end of the summer:

... We continued with Karen W's show and tell with her representation of  a prompt for the ICAD Challenge from Daisy Yellow Art:

Don't be sad about that blurry picture, Karen. It happens when the photographer is too slow with her camera:

She looks at each ICAD prompt and then does whatever she feels inspired to do.  This one was depicted through a "pieced" quilt design made from cut paper:

Karen also shared one of the two pillow covers made to go with the low-volume Coverlet (Summer Spread?) that she made.  It's quilted to keep the pieces together, but with no batting, so that it is light weight for napping on the couch.  She was inspired by Malka Dubrawsky .  Malka's older work can be seen by visiting her blog.  The soft neutral shades and clean lines make for a cozy pillow and a very restful quilt:

Margaret's video backdrop was her latest quilt finish:

This mod scrap project is what's currently up on her design wall:

She the base unit for that quilt:

Sherry didn't have anything to show, as she is spending most of her time on museum and garden club work, but added to the discussion concerning Margaret's next QAYG project, as she has found that multiple blocks at one time doesn't work very well and questioned Karen W's method to gather ideas for a summer quilt from a top made of her grandmother's dresses:

Margaret shared the technique used to make a set of bold and graphic pillows for her son's couch:

Patti made a family of Stuffed Turtles.  This is the only one that hasn't left the nest: 

She has been busy finishing this applique quilt purchase on the bus trip to the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival in February:

Patti shared some close-ups...

... Of the beautifully detailed needleturn applique work she has done:

As if that wasn't enough to blow our minds, she also completed this intricate Basket by machine applique:

We also got a glimpse of Patti's Forest Friends quilt, just back from being longarmed at Singing Stitches:

Britt stitched through the meeting, in an effort to complete a project for the midnight deadline of her UFO Club:

Only 12 inches of binding remain to be sewn...

... On her son's college graduation quilt:

Britt also shared a couple...

 ... Of her latest watercolor paintings:

Karen V. was excited to be able to attend the meeting, as this is the longest time she's spent in the same room with her (many) sewing machines in ages.  As Britt revealed her new hobby, Karen searched the web...

... To come up with this example of a Twining Loom and shared that her daughter, a graphic artist living in Virginia, does many crafts and has done some twining.  You can see her work on her website linked above or on Instagram @emilyruthprints or @emilyruthsews:

Britt's husband is busy building a Twining Loom and she is looking forward to using up some of her unloved stash fabrics:

Before people started leaving the meeting, we paused for one more group shot that included Sherry:

Once a few people dropped out of the meeting, Margaret practiced the screen-sharing option:

Kirsten shared that she will be working from home through December.  She recently removed staples from a Needlepoint Bench Cover.  It was made by her grandmother and Kirsten hopes to repurpose the work into a project tote or something:

And then there were four...

... Celebrating with Britt, as she finish binding this quilt:

Virtual Additions...

Who was Karen W. talking about?  Low Volume Quilts by Malka Dubrawsky.  While there are links provided above, our editor was unsuccessful at finding a direct link to the topic of Malka's Low Volume quilts.

Ah!  That would explain it!  Upon checking with Karen, she was inspired by an article in Quilting Arts Magazine from 2009 where Malka used less bold colors.  Karen's interpretation was to use soft, quiet colors.  Contact Joy for more information regarding the article.

How fun was that Zoom-y meeting?!

SEW much fun that Kirsten will be scheduling another session for the LAST Tuesday of July.  Mark your calendars!

Editor's Note:

Members who were unable to attend are invited to send photos to add to the post.

Until next time...
That was SEW much fun!!

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