Thursday, September 15, 2022

9/15/2022 CCLQ @ Carols

Welcome to the Cherry Creek Lane Quilters weekly meeting!

Carol showed the very cute back of animals and zebra fabric to her crumb pieced front donation quilt.

She started on a disappearing hourglass project as per the Missouri Start directions.  
In Grammy mode Carol pieced a Dr Seuss baby quilt and got the companion back fabric from Amazon.

Deborah has the BQ2 Kitty blocks all done and doesn't those cat food cans really make you smile.

Deborah also made a charm baby donation ..... notice these fabrics and check out Cheryl's

Deedee got in the Holloween spirt and picked up some fabric to make this cute top that destined to be a family gift that really has one specific family member as the recipient.

Cheryl still waiting on grandbaby arrival and is using up a stash of charms with frames for a donation with a wild backing fabric.  Had enough charms to make a second baby quilt.  Deborah and Cheryl had gotten these charm years ago and by chance both decided to use them now.  Cool.

Candy made new kindle cover.
And offered up a book for review.

Maggie is binding a donation that uses a Row-By-Row above a bunch of charms.
Question for the group should the microwave bowl holders have pointy or rounded corners ... Rounded.

Another Charm donation where the gray strips are 2.75 width.
Using some of the 3.5 squares that Candy offered up last week here's a cute little donation that incorporated some practice star blocks.   3.5 is the new square size of choice since quilting diagonal is a good 2" wide and supper fast to finish with our favorite serpentine stitch.

Sew On ... till next week!

"Pumpkin Kisses & Harvest Wishes" 

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