Saturday, December 30, 2023

12-28-23: CCLQ at Maggie’s

 Welcome to the weekly meeting of the Cherry Creek Lane Quilters.  Today the quilters met at Maggie’s home. As this year comes to an end, DeeDee shared her quilting goals for the coming year.  This planted some seeds for us all to consider. Today was also the Round Robin bag exchange which is always an exciting time. Opening a new bag and finding the lovely fabrics, sparking new ideas and getting a peak at the blocks already made is great inspiration for us all. 

Cheryl brought two bags to pass on today as she’ll be out of town when the next Round Robin exchange occurs. 

Lucky Carol who won a set of the Christmas blocks at the last DOQ meeting, shared this wonderful table runner made from three of the blocks.  She plans to make a quilt with the 16 remaining blocks. 

Carol also shared this beautiful “You are My Sunshine” quilt created with stars and flowers for each grandchild.  

Deborah shared a precut appliqué pattern for a dog quilt.  She will make a small wall quilt for her sister in law as a memory quilt.  

DeeDee was happy to show the beautiful baby quilt! DeeDee shared that her goals for the new year are to learn six new quilting techniques and to use 100 yards of fabric from her stash!  Thanks DeeDee for planting the seed for all us to create some quilting goals!!!

Britt used a new quilting design to quilt this one. 

This quilt has a lovely back and could be reversible.

Ruth made adorable snowmen postcards for family and friends. Ruth is working on the binding for the Blooming Nine patch quilt…remember folks, Ruth stated that she’s never making a king  or queen size quilt again!  💡Ruth shared a wonderful idea for matching pillow shams. She purchased color coordinated pillow cases and sewed a border on them with scraps from the original quilt. 

Britt made a clever gift for her sister who enjoys pottery. She made a denim roll and a cloth basket for holding pottery tools. 

Britt and Lynda.  Lynda shared that she has finished all 25 of the Tilda ladies blocks.

Britt also shared a photo of a rag rug made on a loom. 

Ruth has been traveling so not much time for sewing.  Her daughter loved the bag made with the cute dog fabrics. 

Maggie shared this interesting quilt in progress. The piece on the left was donated to the Tuesday group, so Maggie stitched up a new panel and plans to complete this by adding panels to each side of the original braid. 

Maggie shared some Christmas gifts...a pattern and new fabrics. 

A new ruler

Wrapping paper created by children in her DIL’s art class. 

A wonderful pattern and quilt kit!

Fabric bowl made with cotton close line.

Linda reported that she purchased a new wide ironing board.  

Christmas gnome made from yarn.

Maggie shared this cosmetic bag that she made from a pattern from Missouri Star Quilters. 

                                                                    Happy New Year!

Friday, December 29, 2023

12/14/23: CCLQ at Chapel Hill Library Meeting Room

 Welcome to the weekly meeting of the Cherry Creek Lane Quilters.  Linda H was our hostess this week and we had a great turnout at the library.  Today was the Round Robin Challenge bag sharing.  Lots of beautiful quilts in the making and some wonderful show and tell today. 

DeeDee finished the top and backing for the baby quilt!  She also made a pillow for a friend. 

Here’s the top of the lovely baby quilt.

The back of the baby quilt is also unique in that it features baby African animals.  

Maggie shared a photo of a pattern for a cosmetic bag that she’s making. 

Maggie delighted us with this fun penguin banner.  

Pattern is from Missouri Star Quilting 

Maggie also purchased this cool pattern from Missouri Star. 

Lynda reported that she busy getting ready for Christmas and also purchased a new car which arrives today. 

Cheryl finished a baby quilt.  She loves sewing in her sewing room now that there’s more space.

Gayle finished this gorgeous Christmas Ribbons Quilt top! 

This will be the backing fabric for the Christmas quilt. 

Carol was so excited to get the adorable Grinch quilt “number one” back from Gayle who did a great job quilting it. 

Carol shows the second Grinch quilt also quilted by Gayle.  

Deborah is busy binding this donation quilt and also busy getting ready for Christmas. 

Ruth S found a box of Christmas do-dads and is inspired by snowmen this year. 

Candy made this cute reindeer table topper.

Candy also finished this lovely candle table runner. 

Linda reported that her sister in law is a quilter and gave Linda an assortment of 1930’s prints.

Ruth B reported that she’s enjoying learning about her new car with lots of new safety features.  

Ruth S also has a relatively new car and offered to share her short story entitled, “Bells and Whistles.”
Years ago Ruth took a memoirs witting class at the Duke Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI). This was when she bought Lisa’s car and had to learn all the new features about it. The group was eager to hear this story and roared with laughter at how Ruth described her adventures learning to operate the features of the new car. This blogger regrets that the story was not videotaped.

Until next time….quilt and laugh each day as much as possible!!!!

Saturday, December 23, 2023

12/21/2023 CCLQ @ Candy's


Welcome to the Cherry Creek Lane Quilter's meeting.  

This week was hosted by Candy with seven Quilters in attendance.  Several members didn't have a show & tell but the ones that had them were wonderful!  

Ruth S. started off modeling a shirt that she created.    The Sewing SnowQuilter.

Ruth B. showed the tote bag that she made for her daughter using that adorable fabric with cute critters playing in the park.  She just has to add the handles, which will be in the tan fabric.  Hurry Ruth!  It's almost Christmas!!

Linday H. made some 9-patch blocks.  She started a flannel quilt many years ago for her father, but didn't finish it before he died.  She will now finish it for her BIL who is in poor health.

Next Up Carol  shows 3 blocks that are using Ninja Turtles Fabric as the center of scrappy/wonkey log cabin blocks.  Too cute, huh?  There will be more to come.  
The last 2 pics, Carol is showing the blocks that she won at the DOQG Holiday party.  She has 20 blocks & one is more amazing than the next.  Each person had to use the focal ethnic fabric to make a block.  Wonderful creativity on display.

That's all for this week.