Wednesday, June 19, 2024

6/13/24: CCLQ at Maggie’s

 Reasons for Quilts!

Welcome to the weekly meeting of the Cherry Creek Lane Quilters.  This week quilters met on the porch at Maggie’s.  We had two surprise attendees, Joy and Cheryl B. Get ready for some amazing show and tell!  Updated June 20th.

Linda continues to work on organizing her sewing space and this week found this sweet kitty quilt that her daughter made at age 8.

Linda completed the quilt top for this lovely Round Robin quilt. 

It was great to see Cheryl B! Cheryl manages to find time to quilt and take care of grandkids and is very busy! She finished this beautiful T-Shirt quilt for her grandson’s college graduation! 

Cheryl recently purchased an embroidery machine.  She started the T-shirt quilt for her grandson’s high school graduation, but didn’t finish until he graduated from college…so there are two labels. 

Cheryl is making an alphabet quilt on denim using old blue jeans.  This will be a quilt to take outside with the grandkids. 

Here’s close up on one of the blocks from the Sweet Sixteen quilt designed by Edyta Sitar. 

Cheryl has a couple of more blocks to finish on this one…isn’t it spectacular?

Can’t wait to see this one finished. 

Edyta Sitar’s book.

Cheryl loves making embroidered labels. 

Photo of the Sweet Sixteen quilt in Sitar’s books.

Cheryl has finished this extraordinary Elegant Garden quilt top also from Edyta Sitar’s book. 

Cheryl added embroidery to this block.

Here’s another gorgeous quilt top. I think this one was A Quilt and a Prayer also from the Edyta Sitar book. 

Joy made this tiny quilt called, “City Sun Showers” for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. 

Last month’s challenge was “pink” and Joy and the prompt was “Derby.” Joy included beautiful rose fabric on the back. 

The challenge for June was blue. 

Carol made this adorable, colorful donation quilt.

Cheryl reported that she had a great time visiting her grandson in CA.  Her friend in California loved the quilt!  

Candy shared this lovely quilt made for a friend’s daughter. 

                                     Lynda reported that she’s working on her Round Robin quilt. 

Maggie finished this fun “Tin Man” quilt with a modern twist on yellow brick road border. 

Wonderful backing fabric on the Tin Man quilt. 

Maggie shared this spectacular wedding quilt made for her son and daughter in law. Pattern is “Radiance.”  

Wedding guests at the reception wrote messages in the center blocks. 

Beautiful quilting by Stacy. 

Back fabric. 
 Deborah reported that she had fun visiting the grandkids last weekend. Her granddaughter loved the Hattie doll!

Ruth S shared this photo of a new quilt called, “Going Buggy!”

Joy snapped this wonderful group photo!  

Until next time, stay cool and happy quilting. 

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