Today was the day of the 6th Annual Dye Frenzy at Dee Dee's. There were 10 members present and a new-to-us technique to experiment with. While we LOVE to dye, this year we added Gelli Printing to the mix. Thank you to Dee Dee for hosting the event and to Jean for sharing her gelli plates with us for the gelli printing play time. Also, thanks to everyone who brought treats to share... especially since it was such a long day for the group!
When we arrived, Joy was SO excited to share all of the goodies found at the Dollar Tree that she jumped right into showing everything and passing out items to everyone! She brought a "pool noodle" (which she cut into sections using Dee Dee's box cutter and the rotary mat in her sewing studio) and some little containers for everyone to use and/or take home to use later, an array of kitchen tools, and some other items for today's foray into gelli printing:
It will be interesting to see what worked and what didn't.
THEN... we had a bit of instruction from Jean concerning gelli printing and just LOOK at these amazing examples that she created in her home "wet" studio:
This beauty is one of DeeDee's creations |
Jean came early to set everything up. The tables were heavily laden with the "tools of the trade" straight out of Jean's home studio. (Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your paints and supplies with us. I feel safe in saying that we ALL had a BLAST!!!)
Thanks, to Britt and Joy, for the use of your tables. And an extra thank you, ESPECIALLY for the use of your bed risers (Joy and DeeDee), so that we wouldn't break our backs while trying out this process!!!
Let the Dye Frenzy begin!!!
Here are the AMAZING results of our (novice) efforts:
As the stragglers were cleaning up the gelli printing stations, we came in to set up lunch and found Gayle and Helena perusing one of Dee Dee's (or Jean's) art books concerning the process that we had just been experimenting with:
We ended the meeting with a delicious lunch and some Show and Tell.
Margaret started us off with Crystal Stars class sample from her Symposium class with Karen Combs (using ombre fabric to create the subtle block shading):
This one incorporated pieces from several years worth of Dye Frenzy fabrics:
And was made using this pattern from Wendy Butler Burns:
While others had to spend time piecing their background, Margaret was able to sew down all of her pieces during the class. Beautiful, Margaret!!
Ruth B. shared the progress that she has made with the fabrics that she purchased during the 2015 Mary Jo's Field Trip:
Britt showed off her Plaid Donation Quilt (photos from home were substituted):
A close-up:
And a shot flat on the floor:
And she passed around her baggies filled with the 180 Tiny 9-Patch blocks that have kept her busy during recent weeks (in case anyone wanted some eye candy.) She still has quite a few to make before she begins to border each square, but it's made fun by using small scraps from her stash and leftovers from many of her old projects.
Deborah had a TELL: She is making a Lady of the Lake Quilt for her daughter's 30th birthday. She gave her the blocks on The Day and then took them back in order to complete the quilt.
Jill had a TELL: Her daugher has 2 Main Coon cats and Jill is using them as the focus of her latest quilt (which she neglected to bring today.) So far, she has 2 cats sitting on a fence and is trying to figure out what to do next. She described the quilt and asked what to put around the center.
Suggestions flew! :o))
Dee Dee made a journal cover for a friend using music fabric that she painted and stamped:
And bookmarks for all of us:
Here's a picture of one (front and back):
She also completed the top of her Windowpane 9-Patch by Jenny Doan at Missouri Star Quilt Company (using her collection of batiks from her early days of quilting):
Jean showed off her newest Kitchen Quilt (made with some of her Gelli Prints):
A close-up showing her gelli-printed fabrics |
She also tried her hand at the 6FQ Bag using her Aboriginal fabrics:
She explained that she still needs to add the handles (Linda offered fabric):
Carol had a TELL: She's been training to run races and she is running 4 miles on the 4th. (She's looking forward to a cold beer at the finish line!) Her boys ran a 10 mile race in Chapel Hill and finished in an hour! She watched the race and saw all these different people finishing. She decided that if THEY could do it... SHE could do it! Carol joined the NoBo group (No Boundaries) at Fleet Feet in Carrboro and trains 3 days/week. (Go, Carol!!!)
The week after the race, Carol is going on a Mediterranean Cruise with her mother, sister, and niece. Their itinerary includes 2 weeks in Barcelona and Athens. (Enjoy!!!)
Helena had a TELL: Her house is FINALLY on the market. (Know of anyone looking for a home in Durham? Please let her know. The sooner it sells, the better!) She had hoped to have the Yard Sale today, but weather predictions were iffy and she wasn't willing to risk it... this time.
According to
Joy, she had nothing to show OR tell, but Britt interrupted her with a prompt...
Apparently, Joy found out on Friday that she was one of the Grand Prize winners at The Irish Chain Blog Hop for Melissa Corry's new book. Go to to see her loot! (It's to the right of center in the prize package picture.)
Special thanks to Dee Dee for opening her home and studio for this grand adventure and to Jean for her instruction and encouragement. You BOTH made our 2015 Dye Frenzy an amazing success!!!! (Even for the reluctant among us, who claimed they were "just going to watch.") I'm talking to YOU, Helena!! And also to YOU, Jill.
Here are a few of the email comments in the aftermath of our day:
Thank you Jean and Dee for a splendid day!! I have not had that much fun in a
long time. For at least two hours I was so focused on gel printing that my brain blocked out all body pain. Now that's an amazing day!
I second that! Many thanks to Jean and DeeDee for a wonderful day of creativity, good food, and fun! It was inspiring to see the many color and texture combinations! Can't wait till August to see some finished treasures! ...
... I had a great time today. Our dye frenzy is always fun, but I loved the mono printing and can't wait to do more.
Thanks Dee Dee and Jean for a great day and my unexpected masterpiece of birds
In blue and yellow. I intend to incorporate it into the Maine Coon cats' finale! ...
And a recap from Jean:
Amazing day! It was so cool to watch you all playing. Thanks to all who brought extra goodies for us to try. Now we just need to do something with our treasures. No rules or requirements.
Deadline is August at my house!
For those of you who might wish to continue:
The recipe: Stir 8 packages of Knox unflavored gelatin into 1.5 cups of glycerine in a microwave proof bowl. Buy glycerine at Walmart in the first aid section. It comes in 6 oz. bottles so buy 2. It’s $3.88 each. Heat 1.5 cups of water to full boil. Stir into gelatin/glycerine mixture. Stir well. If it doesn’t look completely dissolved, microwave it for a minute or so. Pour into pan. You can scoop any bubbles off the surface with an index card or any firm paper. Or you can skip
this step and just use the bottom side if it is smooth! This amount will make
approximately one 9 X 12 or two 8 X 8’s. You can go larger but it will be thinner. Circles are also made with tin can lids or cake pans. Let sit at room temp for a few hours till set. Unmold onto something like glass or hard plastic. It does
not have to be refrigerated but I try to protect it from direct sunlight or
intense heat. When it has developed boo boos, melt it in the microwave and pour
Brayers: I like the 3” Speedball soft rubber. Amazon $11.61. Or locally with a coupon if they have any in stock.
Paints: I used Golden Fluid Acrylics, Matisse tube acrylics and Basics tube acrylics. Mix 2:1 (2 parts paint to 1 part GAC 900 fabric medium). Online tutorials
show it without but I find it is much more spreadable, and permanent when heat
set. We also used Luminiere for metallic highlights. I think Joann’s has it. Be
sure to wash brayer well after using to prevent metal particles from damaging
rubber surface.
Fabrics: We used mostly cottons but anything works, unlike dyeing. The organza
was from a thrift store sheer curtain. Linen and silk are fun. Shop the thrift
stores or your closet!
Making your Mark: Anything goes! Train your eye to always be looking for unique items.
And have fun, always!
Those of you who missed the meeting may want to try this at home. It is FUN!!!
NOTE: Heat set your gelli prints between parchment
paper for use in quilts.
Until next time...
Get creative!!!