Greetings to all quilt lovers and others reading this blog! Welcome to the weekly get together of the Cherry Creek Lane Quilters. Six quilters gathered at Joanna's house for fun, socializing, and quilt related happiness. Joanna served up some yummy Snickerdoodle cookies! This week's surprise was a virtual hello from Ruth S in New York. Be sure to read through the entire blog to see photos Ruth texted to us during the meeting. Way to go with that technology Ruth! For everyone reading this blog, if you click on the purple highlighted words, that will take you the link for a pattern, shop, etc.
Stunning quilt in Joanna's foyer
Ruth B opened the meeting with much needed tell about unbelievably poor service from Time Warner Cable/Spectrum. One knows it's going to be bad when the repair man calls to say he's on the way and never shows up. Hum? Is there quilt inspiration in this situation? I can see it now...a quilt with tangled cords, broken phones, and blank TV and computer screens. |