Sunday, September 17, 2017

9/9/17 - NT @ Cheryl K's

Welcome to the September meeting of the Nimble Thimbles Quilt Bee!!  Nine members met at the home of Cheryl K's house. Thank you for hosting, Cheryl and thanks to everyone who brought treats to share!

Joy started the meeting with two announcements:

1. A local Harvest Festival is requesting a display of quilts and someone to do a short presentation.  Cheryl B. and Gayle will work on the details of this event.

2. Britt is opening her home Saturday, Sept. 16th, for a group Sew Day to make pillowcases for the MSQC drive to support hurricane victims.  More information to follow in an email.


Dee Dee - Two Elizabeth Hartman patterns:

Original Works group challenge quilt.  Her words were curved piecing & reed.  Here is what she did with it:

And a close-up:

Cheryl B - Client's MSQC quilt made with high loft poly batting...

Here she is telling us about the quilt, the quilting, and the maker:

A close-up of the quilting:

... With a pieced back:

Cheryl K - Cleaning out.  Made a table cover:

A quilt top made from blocks made a couple weeks ago, recently deliberated over at the CCLQ meeting at Joanna's:

A bag to contain her hiking poles (not shown), along with a Book Bag for her DH:

The interior:

A closer look at the exterior:

A collection of items to give away:

And... her recently completed Shed Quilt.  There will be a field trip to the back yard after the meeting.

Ruth B - TELL - Ruth S. said to tell everyone hello!  SHOW - Cleaning out & found a stack of a stack of vintage handkerchiefs:

Here's a close-up: 

Candy - TELL - Forgot how Show & Tell at home.  Check the blog for Lilly's Quilt shown at CCLQ @ Britt's on Thursday.  During that meeting, Candy expressed her displeasure with color combination of the borders on Noah's Quilt.  Today she worked on ripping out stitches from the border that she removed from that quilt:

He's not due until December, so she's got time to make this change!

Gayle - Brought some cross stitch stuff to give away:

She also found 20 blocks when cleaning her studio and decided to make a throw out of them:

Margaret - Delivered an Ornament Tree to Candy for the Collective Market.  (Couldn't get a photo.)

She brought along a recent issue of BLOCK:

Margaret is interested in making the pattern called Linked Up:

Guess who got a new T-shirt???  :o))

Took a FREE Jacquie Gering class on Monday to learn more about her "Quilting With a Walking Foot" technique in order to quilt THIS Graceful Cascade quilt herself:

She asked for opinions regarding backing fabric:

Revealed her recently quilted Dino Quilt:

The quilting was done by Joy.  The backing was made from stash!  Fabrics for the front came from and the pattern is called City Cycle a FREE pattern that she will send a link.

Joy - Shared the book that Britt's newest quilt came from:

Helena - TELL - Went to Minnesota and there ARE quilt shops there!!  LOL

RATS!!!  The photographer missed her photo op.  :o((

Beautiful flowers brought to cheer a good friend who had a particularly bad week:

 A look at the bouquet from another angle:


It was difficult to tell which shot would turn out:

The sun and shadows affect the result:

The straight on view gives you a better idea of the shed color:

And just LOOK at the lush vegetation taking over the deck: 

The Shed Quilt give the yard added interest:

Nice work, Cheryl!!

Until next time...
Go sew, y'all!!!

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