Sunday, May 15, 2016

5/12/16 - CCLQ @ Joanna's

Welcome!!  This week's Cherry Creek Lane Quilters meeting found six members atop "Joanna's mountain."  Coffee and cake (combined with chatter) started off our morning.  Show and Tell waited for Joy to return from Durham, but that's a whole 'nother story.

Gayle worked on more of her Birthday Blocks:

Jean busied herself with her Pairings quilt, working atop a box she purchased at the DOQ Silent Auction.  It's a great project box:

Ruth B. was having fun with her applique project:

Joanna readied her longarm machine for a "Play Day":

Cheryl K. looked through a magazine while waiting for Joanna's demo:

Look how easy this is:

Cheryl K. had a turn:

Jean gave it a try:

Ruth B. took a turn at the machine:

Joy even tried writing her name:

After everyone (except Gayle) had given the longarm a go, Jean showed off her "V" quilt top...

As well as the back:

Then she showed us the binding choices, including a single fabric...

And a scrappy version, which took the popular vote:

Joanna has been practicing feathers...

From THIS book:

Gayle completed one Birthday Block and started on another:

Hmm... Jean was marking some HSTs to prepare for sewing:

Joanna quilted a Quilt of Valor donation:

It's quilted with freehand bubbles:

Let's have another look at Joanna's books:

The other book that Joanna shared was "Doodle Quilting"  - Cheryl Malkowski with photos above (from the Feather book) and a demo below:

Here's how Joanna stared us off on her longarm demonstration:

Another page from the Doodle book:

Using the Doodle book to fill a quilt block...

... Or fill a border:

It also shows you ways to get a bit fancy:

Here is Ruth B's progress for today:

This shows Joanna's most recent quilt top:

Sorry for the blurry photo!
 She also requested a Quilt Consult for the WIP on her design wall:

It's a question of border options... first shown with the light on the left:

Then with the light on the right:

The consensus was that the quilt needs the dark frame.  Happy stitching, Joanna!

Five quilters took themselves to Bennett Pointe Grill for lunch.  It was quite enjoyable.

Until next time...
Go sew!!!

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