Friday, May 17, 2024

5/16/2024 CCLQ @ Lynda's

Welcome to the Cherry Creek Lane Quilters meeting at Lynda's home.
We were a small group that enjoyed the birds and flowers outside around the home before getting down to business.

Deedee started us off with a floor canvas she unearthed in her sewing room while the rearranging is going on.  It wasn't determined the year this was done but it was agreed it needed to stay unrolled and out for display.  She also talked about a visit to the SAQA show that she is sharing a link for the photo's once the cloud Album is done.

Ella has been in the sewing room and found more of Barry's treasured tops that she will bring next week (didn't want to overwhelm the group).

Linda shared a 1965 kodachrome photo of her in Easter dress complete with gloves.  Last week was the discussion of gloves we all remembered from when we were growing up.  She has moved on from fabric storage to sewing room cutting table organizing to include a Pegboard installation that is going to require a second set of hands to get attached to the wall.

Maggie had some finished tote bags and all though 6-8 wide bottoms would work best.  

Cheryl is back from a trip where she saw lots of flowers and birds. Including a Flame azalea, Saw Whet Owl, and Scarlet Tananger (bright red) who showed up when she whistled for him.  Good trip even without a view of the Borealis lights ... but got some good fog instead.

Lynda is still basking in a wonderful Mother's day.  She got some new plants for the garden and got to help Britt with gardening her plants from Prairie Moon.  They had the best time potting away so the plants would be mobile for finding the best location permanent planting.

Ruth S. the "Remote/Virtual" Quilter ... sent us a photo of what she is up to this week .... these colorful placemats.

That's all the show-n-tell for this week.

Keep Busy and Stay Happy!

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