Friday, May 31, 2024

5/30/2024 CCLQ Hosted by Linda


 Welcome to the Cherry Creek Lane Quilters’ weekly meeting. This week quilters met at Passmore Center and Linda supplied a number of goodies for the Quilters to partake of.  

Carol has another donation that sports polkadot centers and 10" scrappy logcabin'ish blocks.

Cheryl has got the California quilt ready for gifting on this upcoming trip.  The fabric colors and layout all came together so well.

Candy showed two quilts hot off Gayle's longarm.  The applique flowers in the center are a mystery but after she found them they sure look great with all the borders.  The Hastag quilt is a new favorite of Candy's and we probably will see it again in other colors.

Deedee got some Wonder Woman fabric and made a pillow case for a friends whose family and friends have been joking with her for years about Wonder Woman. The burito method and some french seams are a favorite for making pillow cases.  She also got the mystery slacks  that were missing for 3 years finally hemmed.  She shared that some using some fork pins helps to match seams intead of using 2 individual pins .... they do take getting use to (see link for image magic fork pins

Gayle reports she did do some painting on the Stary Night quilt top but has had a lot of yard work to do after 10 days away and being ill.  But back to normal.

Linda continues to go through boxes and found 2 of the same notion among the other hidden gems.  Candy said she would take The Angler 2 tool and try it out for sewing diagonal lines for either geese or half square triangles.

Maggie finished a quilt that will be going to one of her grand-nephew who is graduating High School next week.  She also showed a scrappy donation top.

Deborah told us she has started to put the doll pieces Deedee passed on last week together.  Given the Cicada season is winding down she was still wearing some custom cicada earings.  Cheryl passed on a quilters Cicada quilt done by Kathy Steere (link Kates Fun Art ).

Ella gave us some sad news about her brother's passing the day before.  We all send our deepest sympathy and want to support her in anyway we can.  She hopes to do some blocks using left over scraps from past projects. Carol explained her scrappy blocks are a variation on the logcabin and duckworth block (link blog article - duckworth pattern )  Duckworth refers to a quilters name....Jo Anne Merrill-Duckworth.  She is an amazing quilter in the group who makes almost exclusively scrappy wonky log cabin quilts.   

That's it for this week.   

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