Sunday, May 12, 2024

5/9/24: CCLQ at DeeDee’s

 Welcome to the weekly meeting of the Cherry Creek Lane Quilters.  This week the group met at DeeDee’s home. DeeDee greeted everyone with a big give away as you entered the door!  Stay tuned for a photo heavy posting today and you will bee inspired! 

DeeDee shows Cheryl the collection of rulers available. Cheryl took home 3 yards of Kona cotton. 

More stuff!  Lots of patterns and books were also on the table. 

Cheryl was so happy to share this amazing quilt made for her friend in California. It’s a big queen sized quilt and Britt will quilt it for her. 

Lynda told of her recent vacation to the Outer Banks. 

Carol shared this beautiful scrap quilt made with the scraps given to her by Susan Buehler. Carol plans to add a white border and this will be a cheerful donation quilt.  

Maggie attended the Salisbury Quilt Show last weekend and brought back lots of goodies. 

Cool fabric!

Sample page from the Quick and Easy Quilt Book.  Maggie used this new method to make these “on point” blocks. 

Clever table runner with floppy flying geese. 

Maggie made this fun gift bag for the NC State Baby Quilt.  She will email the directions for making this bag as it was a much easier method. 

Inside of the bag!

More fun fabric from the quilt show. 

Linda reported that she’s making progress on the Round Robin quilt.  Linda also showed this wonderful quilting T-shirt. 

Ella brought a treasure of nine beautiful quilt tops and some ready to quilt pieces made by Barry. Quilters volunteered to take a quilt and finish it.  Ella wants to donate these quilts. 

DeeDee has continued to work on tidying up her sewing room. She found these magazine pictures of modern looking quilts from the 60’s or 70’s?  

1957 McCalls publication

DeeDee shared this beautiful sampler quilt made by her mother. DeeDee’s mom made the top and Sarah Porrecca quilted it. 

DeeDee’s mom used markers to draw this creative label on the quilt. 

DeeDee shared this sweet scrappy quilt.  The quilt hanging on the fireplace was made by Maggie for the craft show.  DeeDee fell in love with this quilt and purchased it.  

DeeDee made this spectacular quilt.  It was quilted by Joanna. 

DeeDee shared this lovely scrap quilt which was quilted by Sarah Porrecca. 

Deborah has been busy following the 13 year cicadas. She’s been documenting these colorful creatures using the Cicada Safari app.  Cheryl mentioned that many folks are also using the iNaturalist app to take photos of cicadas and send them in. Expect a cicada quilt to emerge in the future. 

Until next time, happy quilting! 

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