Tuesday, May 28, 2024

5/23/24: CCLQ at Deborah’s

 Welcome to the Cherry Creek Lane Quilters’ weekly meeting. This week quilters met at Deborah’s. 

Ruth S sent this photo from The Bluff.  Ruth’s house is called the Tree House because it’s surrounded by so many trees. Ruth made this  beautiful tree quilt so the trees could come inside. 

Candy decided to use her Round Robin blocks to make placemats. 

Candy has finished two charming quilt tops for a friend’s daughters. This one was from a pattern by Suzy Quilts. Candy added a fun piano border. 

Candy found this appliqué center block and added some fun borders for the second  quilt. 

Linda installed this nice pegboard in her sewing room for the perfect storage system for rulers. 

Linda reported that she’s continuing to make progress in her sewing spaces. 

Carol reported that she had a fabulous time celebrating her grandson’s birthday. The Tuesday group provided a cute animal panel and Carol cut the critters out and appliquéd them onto a fun scrappy background. Great quilt Carol! 

Carol shared this beautiful fabric which will be a baby quilt for a new grandchild.

Gayle shared stories of her cruise!  She’s already booked a cruise for next year.  

DeeDee found several UFO cat blocks and is making more to make a fun donation quilt.  

DeeDee found a box of doll parts made by her mother. 

This was the pattern for Hattie the Hat Maker doll by Elinor Peace Bailey. It was featured in a 1992 Crafts Magazine.  

These fabrics were in the box. 

This collection of hat pins and doll needles was neatly folded up in a paper towel in the box.  The box was given to Deborah who plans to make a doll for her granddaughter .

Lynda reported that she’s been gardening, reading, and research her family history on Ancestry.com. The blogger apologizes for not getting a photo of Lynda.  

Cheryl made four placemats for the Meals on Wheels program.

                              Cheryl also finished some microwave bowl holders for a friend in California.

Deborah shared stories of a long weekend in the NC Mountains. She stopped at a rest area near Wilkesboro and found these maps of Barn Quilt Trails for area counties.

  Several books were recommended during bee:

Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
Mad Honey by Jodi Picoult
Blue Marlin by Lee Smith

Until next time, happy quilting! 

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